Want to join the movement of covenant women who stand? Download our manifesto here!

4. The Life-Changing Power of Identity

Season #1

Do you ever see yourself through the distorted lenses of inadequacy, self-doubt, comparison, or lack? Or do you know someone who is struggling with their self-worth?

If so, this episode is for you.

Identity affects EVERYTHING. If we truly understand WHO we are and WHAT we are here on this good earth to accomplish, we will be an unstoppable force for good.

Because of that, the adversary is waging an all-out war on identity. If he can keep us distracted with thoughts of inadequacy, we will be hard-pressed to accomplish our divine work. 

We cannot allow him to win!! Come, learn how to fight back.


This week's SHINE challenge:

Ask the Lord to tell you one thing He loves about you. Listen for His answer, write it down, and refer to it when you are feeling down on yourself.


Want to join the STAND movement? You can start by downloading our manifesto: Covenant Women Who Stand. Read it and grab your free copy right here.

** Follow along on Instagram



1. Sheri Dew: Knowing Who You Are and Who You Have Always Been

2. Moses chapters 6-7

3. The Cherokee Legend of Two Wolves



50% Complete

Two Step

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