Want to join the movement of covenant women who stand? Download our manifesto here!

6. How to Recognize the Voice of the Spirit

Season #1

Do you struggle to hear the voice of the Spirit? If so, you are in really good company.

I recently surveyed a group of women and asked them how confident they felt in their ability to receive personal revelation. There was a sliding scale of 1-5, 1 being "I wonder if God ever speaks to me," and 5 being "I am confident in my ability to Hear Him." Almost half of the respondents chose either 1 or 2. 

Bottom line: it is difficult to distinguish the Lord's voice from our own thoughts. It is a skill that takes some practice.

In this episode, I will teach you how to "Live in Revelation," by giving you a big-picture view. Then, I will break it down into practical things you can do each day to increase your ability to hear and heed God's voice.


This week's SHINE challenge: 

For the next week, commit to recording how you see the Lord’s hand in your life each day. How does He show up for you in ways, both small and great?


Want to join the STAND movement? You can start by downloading our manifesto: Covenant Women Who Stand. Read it and grab your free copy right here.

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1. The Spirit of Revelation, David A. Bednar, 2021

2. Revelation for the Church; Revelation for Our Lives, Russell M. Nelson

3. The Book of Mormon: What Would Your Life Be Like Without It? Russell M. Nelson

4. Make Time for the Lord, Russell M. Nelson


50% Complete

Two Step

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