Want to join the movement of covenant women who stand? Download our manifesto here!

13. How to Find Joy Amid Challenges

Season #1

We are wrapping up our self-care Fundies this week by talking about finding JOY.

Listen in to find out how to find joy amid life's challenges. (And, if you would like to learn about the other Fundies and how they work together to support you, catch up on episodes 8-12.)

We will discuss how to recognize what is blocking joy and how to cultivate more joy, no matter what is happening in your life.

This week's SHINE challenge:

Write a joy list of things you can do to bring you joy. Then, when you need a little burst of joy, do something from the list.


Want to join the STAND movement? You can start by downloading our manifesto: Covenant Women Who Stand. Read it and grab your free copy right here.

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