Want to join the movement of covenant women who stand? Download our manifesto here!

21. Show up for the Lord

Season #1

Do you ever feel like you are in a comfortable rut with your spirituality?

Do you feel more distant from the Lord than you want to be?

Do you want to narrow the gap between you and God so you can hear Him more clearly?

In this episode, we learn why our relationship with God is a two-way street, and why we must show up for Him if we want Him to show up for us.

We learn what God requires of us in order to obtain His promised peace and blessings.

We learn how He compensates us for the small and simple ways we bind ourselves to Him.

This information is vital for anyone who desires to feel closer to God.


This week's SHINE challenge:

Commit to giving the Lord enough time for daily scripture study this week. You decide how much time that is. The important thing is that you commit to showing up for Him in whatever way you feel is best.


Want to join the STAND movement? You can start by downloading our manifesto: Covenant Women Who Stand. Read it and grab your free copy right here.



1.We are Women of God: Sheri Dew. General Conference, October 1999

2. Spiritual Treasures: Russell M. Nelson. General Conference, October 2019


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