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25. Spiritual Coyotes

Season #1

Four days ago, my 10-pound puppy was attacked by a coyote. Miraculously, he survived, for which we are grateful. But the experience has me thinking about spiritual coyotes that, as Nephi described, "leadeth [us] away carefully down to hell." (2 Nephi 28:21)

There is much we can do to arm ourselves against spiritual predators, and this episode will show you where to begin.


P.S. If you would benefit from a structured, supportive, incentivized program to help you conquer spiritual predators and securely bind yourself to the Lord, the Shine 40 Challenge is perfect for you. It is ONLY open for enrollment from now through midnight on Sunday, September 18. As an added bonus, you can invite a friend to participate with you for FREE, thus exponentially increasing your chances of success. Find out more and join the challenge right here.



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