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31. Accessing the Power of Covenants with Andrea Ashford

Season #1

When Andrea Ashford was seven years old, her parents were divorced, and her mom left the Church. She felt she had to choose between her mom and the Savior at that young age.

Even as a young girl, Andrea felt the magnitude of her choice. She chose to be baptized, even though her mom did not want that. Though it was difficult, that choice shaped her life and her view of covenants in beautiful ways.

Andrea explains, "My covenants give me the power to keep my covenants."

As Andrea shares her story, you will hear how her covenants have taught her about the Savior, His grace, and how to access His power every single day.


Follow Andrea on Instagram @andreaashfordd


Would you like to share your story of faith? Apply to be a guest on the podcast right here.


Want to join the STAND movement? You can start by downloading our manifesto: Covenant Women Who Stand. Read it and grab your free copy right here. You will also receive our weekly(ish) newsletter entitled 5 Quick Things.


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