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46. Developing Emotional Resilience Through Jesus Christ, with Priscilla Davis

Season #1

Priscilla Davis was born into the Catholic church. When she was 10 years old, her friend invited her to attend Primary. A few years later, she and her family were baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

In 2020, Priscilla and her husband were asked to facilitate a pilot group of the Church's new self reliance course entitled, Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience. In carrying out that responsibility, Priscilla learned that Jesus Christ was the missing piece in her mental and emotional health journey. That understanding has forever changed her life.

In this episode, Priscilla shares her inspiring story and several practical tools to help you build lasting, Christ-centered emotional resilience.


Follow Priscilla on Instagram right here

**If you'd like to take your faith to the next level with the Shine 40 Challenge - a 40-day challenge to help you build lasting spiritual habits - you can learn more and sign up right here.


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