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49. Building a Relationship with God Through Personalized Gospel Study with Erin Ropelato

Season #1

Erin Ropelato is an expert on learning styles, especially as they relate to gospel study. She believes the purpose of gospel study is to help us build a relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. As we understand and apply our unique learning style to our study, we can maximize our relationship with Them.

Listen in to hear an explanation of each learning style (social, individual, hands-on, book, STEM, music, nature, and visual), how to learn and teach according to learning styles, and what this has to do with standing with the Savior. 

Find Erin on her website and on Instagram


**If you'd like to take your faith to the next level with the Shine 40 Challenge - a 40-day challenge to help you build lasting spiritual habits - you can learn more and sign up right here.


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