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52. Peace in Christ with Decia Brown

Season #1

Decia Brown has struggled with anxiety and depression since her teenage years, but, until recently, she hid it well. She was always smiling, always helping others, and always outgoing.

She hit rock bottom last year when she attempted to take her own life. Through a series of miracles, she survived. While in the hospital recovering, she learned for herself that she was not alone. Christ was by her side.

At that point, His atonement became real to her, giving her the strength to keep going. She committed to fighting her personal battles when she realized that because Jesus had already won her battles, she could, with His help, emerge victorious.

Decia's story is real, raw, and relevant. Whether you struggle with anxiety and depression or know someone who does, her story will give you hope in Christ.


**If you'd like to take your faith to the next level with the Shine 40 Challenge - a 40-day challenge to help you build lasting spiritual habits - you can learn more and sign up here. (P.S. You get a free buddy pass to complete the challenge with a friend)


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