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72. Will Personal Revelation Ever Contradict Prophetic Counsel?

Season #2

The most recent controversy surrounding women and their role in the Church revolves around Sister Camille Johnson's BYU Women's Conference address. In it, she spoke of her inspired decision to be a full-time lawyer while raising her children.

Many social media commenters expressed concern that she did not follow the prophetic counsel to stay home with her children if at all possible.

The question at the root of this controversy is whether personal revelation will ever contradict prophetic counsel.

Let's talk about it.


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1. President Camille N. Johnson. Lessons Learned in Inviting Christ to Author My Story. May 3, 2024.

2. Ezra Taft Benson. To the Mothers in Zion. Feb. 22, 1987.

3. Spencer W. Kimball. The Role of Righteous Women. Oct. 1979.

4. Gordon B. Hinckley. Women of the Church. Oct. 1996.

5. The Family Proclamation

6. Dale G. Renlund. A Framework for Personal Revelation. Oct. 2022.

7. Gordon B. Hinckley. To the Boys and to the Men. Oct. 1998.



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