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Stand with Lynnette

Stand with Lynnette

Hosted by: Lynnette Sheppard

Are you a Latter-day Saint who desires to brighten your faith amid a growing tide of darkness and confusion? If so, this is the podcast for you! Join host Lynnette Sheppard for insights and tools that will help...


75. The Joys and Challenges of Parenting Young Adults

Season #2

Parenting young adults is a whole new ballgame, complete with its own set of challenges that nobody really talks about. In this episode, I pull back the parenting curtain and explore three vital lessons I have learned...
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74. Pride Month and the Two Great Commandments

Season #2

As we enter June - Pride Month, I have been reflecting on an experience I had last year at this time. Last June, I felt caught in a social media war between love and law –charity and chastity – tolerance and...
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73. What I Wish I Had Known Before Serving a Mission with Elise Sheppard

Season #2

Preparing kids (or ourselves) to serve missions is no small task. To succeed, missionaries need a wide variety of practical and spiritual skills. In this episode, Elise, who returned from her mission six months ago,...
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72. Will Personal Revelation Ever Contradict Prophetic Counsel?

Season #2

The most recent controversy surrounding women and their role in the Church revolves around Sister Camille Johnson's BYU Women's Conference address. In it, she spoke of her inspired decision to be a full-time lawyer...
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71. Raising Resilient Kids

Season #2

The lack of resilience in emerging adults is staggering. We see it in sports teams, colleges, the military, the mission field, and beyond. Arming our kids with resilience is necessary for their success in all areas of...
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70. What Can We Appropriately Say About the Temple?

Season #2

Whether we are talking about preparing our kids or others to enter the temple or trying to learn as much as we can about the temple so we can better access its power in our lives, what exactly can we talk about while...
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69. The Temple is the Answer

Season #2

For the past several months, I have felt drawn to the temple in unprecedented ways. While I have been attending the temple almost weekly for 10 years, I craved a deeper understanding of the ordinances and covenants we...
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68. Experiencing the Goodness of Jesus

Season #2

Growing up in a society of great wickedness, Mormon, at age 15, was “visited of the Lord, and tasted and knew of the goodness of Jesus.” (Mormon 1:15) If a 15-year-old, at a time when "the Holy Ghost did not come upon...
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67. Finding Hope in the Hard with Elise Sheppard

Season #2

Do you ever struggle to find hope when life is hard? If so, welcome to the club! In this episode, Elise, who is currently navigating what she calls a "hope crisis," talks to Lynnette about her challenging adjustment...
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66. Only God Can Change the Doctrine

Season #2

The past couple of weeks have been a little crazy as a female Latter-day Saint online content creator. The controversy surrounding the recent Worldwide Relief Society Broadcast has been thick, and the role of women in...
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65. Raising Children unto the Lord with Sky and Amanda Sorensen

Season #2

Do you worry about raising righteous children in a world that seems to be in a moral nosedive? If so, or if you simply want to understand Gen Z better, you will love my conversation with Sky and Amanda Sorensen from...
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64. "I Must Obey," Lessons from Nephi, with Shelly Rowlan

Season #2

"I must obey" are Nephi's last words in the Book of Mormon. In this episode, Shelly Rowlan and I discuss three conflicts all of us face that sometimes make obedience challenging: Man vs. Self, Man vs. Man, and Man vs....
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