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Stand with Lynnette

Stand with Lynnette

Hosted by: Lynnette Sheppard

Are you a Latter-day Saint who desires to brighten your faith amid a growing tide of darkness and confusion? If so, this is the podcast for you! Join host Lynnette Sheppard for insights and tools that will help...


39. Flood the World with Light

Season #1

As I have reflected on 2022 and as I look ahead to 2023, a quote from Spencer W. Kimball has been playing on repeat in my mind: “Much of the major growth that is coming to the Church in the last days will come because...
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38. From Hardship to Hope with Cherie Hyde

Season #1

Cherie Hyde is 87 years old and has lived what she calls "the worst and the best life." She was born in the covenant, but her parents stopped attending church when she was young. Out of the blue, when she was 14 years...
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37. Finding Christ Through Trauma with Cody Hoskisson

Season #1

When Cody Hoskisson was a child, she navigated periods of bullying combined with medical trauma from two life-saving surgeries. Those childhood experiences created a form of PTSD called a freeze response (cousin of...
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36. Becoming Strong and Capable with Brigette Heller

Season #1

When Brigette Heller was young, she developed a relationship with the Savior that carried her through some intensely challenging experiences and has served as an anchor point throughout her life. But, as an adult,...
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34. Finding Light Through Postpartum Depression with Greta White

Season #1

When Greta White had her first baby, she was unprepared for the postpartum depression that hit her like a truck. She lived in a constant state of fear and was unable to spend time with her baby, let alone bond...
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33. What to Do When Things Don't Make Sense

Season #1

I have spent the past week thinking about things that don't make sense. And, when I say "things that don't make sense," I mean questions that don't have easy answers and trials with no apparent ending. I mean...
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32. Small, Simple, and Joyful with Abigail Miller

Season #1

Abigail Miller is a military wife, a mother of two young girls, and a disciple of Christ. Navigating periods of inadequacy, doubt, worry, and fear has taught her that the gospel is simple and joyful. As she focused on...
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31. Accessing the Power of Covenants with Andrea Ashford

Season #1

When Andrea Ashford was seven years old, her parents were divorced, and her mom left the Church. She felt she had to choose between her mom and the Savior at that young age. Even as a young girl, Andrea felt the...
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30. Eyes to See God's Miracles

Season #1

Last weekend, I hiked the Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim with my husband and son. The 23.5-mile trek was overflowing with miracles, both small and great. God's fingerprint was evident in every step of this journey. In this...
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29. Two Questions That Will Open the Windows of Heaven

Season #1

In the New Testament, there is an account of a rich young ruler who was also a follower of the Master, Jesus Christ. He was already keeping the commandments but asked Jesus a question we would all do well to ponder:...
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28. GO and DO: A Post-Conference Invitation

Season #1

General Conference was fantastic! But what good are inspired messages from God unless we take the time to study and apply them? The Spirit cannot teach us how those messages will fortify our faith or grant us the...
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27. The Only Diet Plan You Will Ever Need

Season #1

Nutritional recommendations are constantly changing, which makes it extremely difficult to determine what diet strategy is the "healthiest." Low fat? Low carb? High protein? No grain? Low glycemic index? No dairy? Low...
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