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Stand with Lynnette

Stand with Lynnette

Hosted by: Lynnette Sheppard

Are you a Latter-day Saint who desires to brighten your faith amid a growing tide of darkness and confusion? If so, this is the podcast for you! Join host Lynnette Sheppard for insights and tools that will help...


26. The Great Commandment We All Break

Season #1

Listening to a recent interview with Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, it hit me with great force that society has mixed up the order of the first two great commandments. Rather than loving God first, the world teaches that...
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25. Spiritual Coyotes

Season #1

Four days ago, my 10-pound puppy was attacked by a coyote. Miraculously, he survived, for which we are grateful. But the experience has me thinking about spiritual coyotes that, as Nephi described, "leadeth [us] away...
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24. Let's Talk About Garments...

Season #1

Last week, I learned something that has changed how I see the temple garment I learned that the English word atonement comes from the Hebrew word kaphar, which means to cover. In learning this, my mind immediately...
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23. Isn't Faith More Than a Checklist? (And a SPECIAL INVITATION!)

Season #1

Today, I want to build upon what I taught last week by addressing a question that might be running through your mind: “Lynnette, you talk about tracking habits as if doing so will facilitate massive growth, both...
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22. Change Your Habits; Change Your Life

Season #1

Our lives are not made up of big decisions, whether spontaneous or otherwise. They are made of small and simple choices we make multiple times every day. Our small choices or, in other words, the way we choose to...
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21. Show up for the Lord

Season #1

Do you ever feel like you are in a comfortable rut with your spirituality? Do you feel more distant from the Lord than you want to be? Do you want to narrow the gap between you and God so you can hear Him more...
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20. Who Do You Want to Become? (And How to Get There)

Season #1

Can you imagine what would happen if you started to build a house without a blueprint? What if you poured a random foundation and then just started nailing boards together, hoping it would end up with just the right...
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19. Mind the Gap and Measure the Gain

Season #1

Do you ever get discouraged because you are not where you want to be? Maybe, on your journey to self-improvement or spiritual fortification, you feel like you take two steps forward and one step back. Perhaps, you...
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18. FAQ: How Do I Discern Truth from Deception? Pt. 2

Season #1

In last week's episode, we dove into Moroni 7 and what it teaches about discerning truth from deception. We learned how we can have a perfect knowledge of whether something is inspired of God or not. If you have not...
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17. FAQ: How Do I Discern Truth from Deception? Pt.1

Season #1

Have you ever heard or seen something about the Church or its doctrine that contained elements of truth but did not feel 100% true? Have you ever worried about yourself or your loved ones being led astray by...
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16. FAQ: How Do I Find Answers to My Prayers in the Scriptures?

Season #1

With the craziness of summer upon us, I will be publishing mini-episodes for the next few weeks. Hopefully, these quick episodes will be easily consumable amid your crazy summer! We will get back to our deep dives...
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15. FAQ: Am I Blindly Following?

Season #1

With the craziness of summer upon us, I will be publishing mini-episodes for the next few weeks. We will get back to our deep dives soon. Hopefully, these quick episodes will be easily consumable amid your crazy...
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